2019 Awards
- Granite State District Event
- Champion with teams (5687) The Outliers and (7416) Northern Horizons
- Gracious Professionalism Award
2018 Awards
- Worcester Polytechnic Institute District Event
- Finalist with teams (78) Air Strike and (3466) Vikings Robotics
- Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation
- University of New Hampshire District Event
- Champion with teams (319) Big Bad Bob and (4555) Sprocketology
- Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi
- New England District Championships
- Creativity Award
- Governor’s Cup
- Champion with teams (319) Big Bad Bob and (1247) Blood, Sweat, and Gears
- Mill Yard Creativity Award
- River Rage
- Finalist with teams (6328) Mechanical Advantage and (1922) Oz-Ram
- Battle of the Bay
- Finalist with teams (238) Crusaders and (4546) Shockwave
2017 Awards
- Worcester Polytechnic Institute District Event
- Finalist with teams (190) Gompei and the H.E.R.D. and (1740) Ledyard Cyber Colonels
- Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi
- Pine Tree District Event
- Champion with teams (2648) Infinite Loop and (4906) The Collective
- Chairman’s Award
- New England District Championships
- Finalist with teams (3719) STEM Whalers and (5813) Morpheus
- Mayhem in Merrimack
- Champion with teams (1058) PVC Pirates and (6328) Mechanical Advantage
- Cotton Eye Joe Award
2016 Awards
- University of New Hampshire District Event
- Champion with teams (319) Big Bad Bob and (1512) the Metal Vidsters
- Engineering Inspiration Award
- Pine Tree District Event
- Champion with teams (133) B.E.R.T. and (5633) Hyde Phoenix
- Chairman’s Award
- New England District Championships
- Regional Chairman’s Award
- Mayhem in Merrimack
- Champion with teams (133) B.E.R.T. and (4906) The Collective
- Summer Heat
- Finalist with (885) The Green Team and a rookie team with no official team number
- Battle of the Bay
- Champion with teams (1058) PVC Pirates and (5556) Carriagetown Robotics
2015 Awards
- Granite State District Event
- Champion with teams (95) Grasshoppers and (1307) Robosaints
- Innovation in Control Award
- UMass Dartmouth District Event
- Champion with teams (230) Gaelhawks and (4908) The Dragons
- Entrepreneurship Award
- Northeastern University District Event
- Champion with teams (125) NUTRONS and (1786) Dublin School Robotics Team
- Chairman’s Award
- New England District Championships
- Champion with teams (195) CyberKnights and (2067) Apple Pi
- Excellence in Engineering
- Mayhem in Merrimack
- Finalist
- Summer Heat
- Finalist
- River Rage
- Finalist
- Battle of the Bay
- Champion with teams (2648) Infinite Loop and (213) Dirty Birds
2014 Awards
- Granite State District Event
- Finalist with teams (131) C.H.A.O.S and (1786) Dublin School Robotics Team
- Gracious Professionalism® Award
- Rhode Island District Event
- Finalist with teams (2168) Aluminum Falcons and (5163) Aluminum Warriors
- Engineering Inspiration Award
- New England District Championships
- Engineering Excellence Award
- World Championships – St Louis, MO
- Team Spirit Award (Archimedes Division)
- Mayhem in Merrimack
- Finalist
- Beantown Blitz
- Dynamic Drive-train Award
2013 Awards
- North Carolina Regional
- Champion with teams (435) RoboDogs from NC and (4828) Robo Eagles from NC
- Excellence in Engineering Award for our full court shooter.
- World Championships – St Louis, MO
- Championship Finalist with teams (33) the Killer Bees from Auburn Hills, MI and (469) Las Guerrillas from Bloomfield Hills, MI
- Archimedes Division Champion with teams (33) the Killer Bees from Auburn Hills, MI and (469) Las Guerrillas from Bloomfield Hills, MI
- BattleCry 14
- Finalist
- Mayhem in Merrimack
- Champion with (1289) The Gearheadz from Lawrence, MA
- Mainely SPIRIT
- Champion
- River Rage
- Finalist
2012 Awards
- Granite State Regional
- Finalist with teams (885) the Green Team from VT, and (2791) Shaker Robotics from NY
- Team Spirit Award – by Chrysler
- North Carolina Regional
- Champion with teams (1311) Kell Robotics from GA and (2642) Pit Pirates from NC
- World Championships – St Louis, MO
- Ranked 5th on Newton Division (eliminated in semifinals)
BattleCry 13
- Champion with teams (125) Nutrons from MA and (2168) Aluminum Falcons from CT.
- Top Gun Award
- Mayhem in Merrimack
- Champion
- All That and a Bag of Chips
- Mainely SPIRIT
- Wicked BFF Award
- Finalist
- River Rage
- Champion
2011 Awards
- Week Zero 2011
- Champion
- Granite State Regional
- Champion with teams (175) Buzz Robotics from CT and (176) Aces High from CT
- Website Award
- Excellence in Design Award sponsored by Autodesk (Animation Award)
- Smoky Mountains Regional
- Website Award
- BattleCry 12
- Champion
- Mayhem in Merrimack
- Play of the Day
- River Rage
- Champion
2010 Awards
- Granite State Regional
- Champion with teams (1073) The FORCE from NH and (1058) PVC Pirates from NH
- Rockwell Automation Innovation in Control Award
- North Carolina Regional
- Finalist
- Delphi Engineering Excellence Award
- BattleCry 11
- Awesome Offense
- Mayhem in Merrimack
- Finalist
- Play of the Day Award
- River Rage
- Legacy
- Runner up
- Brunswick Eruption
- Champion
- Best Autonomous Mode
2009 Awards

- Granite State Regional
- Chairman’s Award
- Website Award
- River Rage
- Champion
2008 Awards
- BattleCry 9 (with Fezzik)
- Purple Heart
- Runners up
- Beantown Blitz (with Fezzik and Speed Racer)
- Heck-of-a-Hybrid (Fezzik)
- Dynamic Drivetrain (Speed Racer)
- Mayhem in Merrimack (with Fezzik and Speed Racer)
- Champion (Fezzik)
- Finalist (Speed Racer)
- All That and a Bag of Chips (Speed Racer)
- Bear Brawl (with Speed Racer)
- Champion (Speed Racer with a Herder)
- Number 1 Seed
- High Scoring Average
- Bash at the Beach (with Speed Racer)
- Blazing Bot – Driven Like it was Stolen
- Teacher’s Pet
- River Rage (with Fezzik and Speed Racer)
- Mentor Match Champion
2007 Awards
- BattleCry 8
- Air Superiority
- Mayhem in Merrimack
- Champion
2006 Awards

- Granite State Regional
- Champion with teams (133) BERT from ME and (1276) Kaizen Blitz from ME
- Beantown Blitz
- Judges Merit
- Mayhem in Merrimack
- Champion
- All that and a bag of chips
- Human Player Contest
- River Rage
- Champion
- Bash at the Beach
- Champion
- Most Diverse Robot
2005 Awards
- Granite State Regional
- Rookie Inspiration
- BattleCry 6
- Driving Competition
- Human Player Competition
- Mayhem in Merrimack
- Judges Award