From May through December we kept up the momentum through training meetings, robot demonstrations, mentorship of younger students, and off-season competitions. Throughout the off-season, students and mentors have held team training meetings for software, CAD, and shop tools/machines.

In June, we enjoyed showing off our robot to people of all ages at the Rock’n Ribfest in Merrimack, and we also cleared tables in the food tents.

Robot demonstrations for our sponsors included Rockwell Automation’s Engineering Day and Cirtronics’ Mfg Day.

This past fall, we mentored younger FIRST teams (FLL Jr., FLL, and FTC), and we beta tested the 2019 control system for FIRST. In September, we assisted with the FTC Kickoff at FIRST Place in Manchester, and we demonstrated our robot in collaboration with other FIRST teams at the RoboExpo in the Pheasant Lane Mall.
In October, several students had the opportunity to share their passion for STEM at the NH Joint Engineering Society Annual Conference in Concord. The team attended four off-season competitions including the inaugural Governor’s Cup. Because we were part of the winning alliance, we received scholarships for one semester for all team seniors to a NH state college or university!