Saturday, the 5th of January, 23 students and 19 mentors packed into a Milford basement. Their eagerness grew as the clock ticked towards 10:30 am. While the majority of Mechanical Mayhem waited at Mayhem Central, a small posse of tie-dye blue FRCers got situated in the stands on site in Manchester. After eagerly enduring the long hour of anticipation, the whole team watched as Dean Kamen announced this year’s challenge – Ultimate Ascent
(2013 FRC Game Animation)! The moment the Frisbee flashed across the screen, Mayhem erupted. On the field, four goals are set at either end along with three feeding stations. The game of three teams against each other to score Frisbees into the goals and, towards the end of the match, climb a three-level pyramid. This game instantly posed a challenging competition. As the following week progressed, Mayhemers gathered nightly to discuss stratagems and brainstorm solutions to the daunting obstacles. According to our analysis of the game, it seemed that a team that could score discs from the protected feed slot would be able to score the most efficiently. Because of this analysis our team decided to build such a robot.